Comprométete a Leer la biblia en el 2012

Comprométete a Leer la biblia en el 2012

Responde a nuestra Pregunta y la Leeremos en nuestro Programa de Radio y Television


Bienvenidos a Nuestro Programa

Matrimonios Saludables en CVC La Voz Domingos 9AM EST en 300 estaciones y en

La próxima conferencia será en Mayo 15 “Confesiones de una Esposa desesperada

Otros talleres del día lunes 17 de Mayo serán: “Matrimonios al Desnudo” y “El Milagro de la Adopción”

Recibe consejos prácticos para la familia.
Matrimonios Saludables con Brian y Rebeca Knowles es una fuente de ayuda para tu matrimonio. Semana tras semana llegamos a tu hogar con la ayuda practica que te inspira a integrar los cambios que marcaran la diferencia en la salud de tu hogar.

Conferencia para Mujeres

About Me

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Rebeca is a best seller author and a media personality. She travels with purpose and intentionality and writes about her impressions for several magazines and websites. She is an experienced and passionate advocate for the family and a sought after conference speaker on the topics of adoption, woman issues, business and family in general. She speaks to millions of people each week through a daily TV and Radio feature she writes and produces which is aired in several languages around the world through multiple Christian media outlets. Brian and Rebeca are committed Christians. They believe adoption is in the center of God’s heart; after all, we are His sons and daughters through the miracle of adoption. They adopted their children David and Julia from Russia in 2007 Brian and Rebeca also produce the weekly radio and TV program “Healthy Marriages with Brian and Rebeca Knowles”. They love living in South Florida with their children David and Julia and their little dog Lola.